Use the form below to request a trailer. There are multiple steps:
(Note: If your account is past due you will need to pay it current before you can rent a trailer. Call us if you have questions.)
Fees for items found on Bulk trailers - *$3 per Tires/Rims * $12 per Refrigerator appliance *$15 per Mattress/Box springs
Booking is limited to 6 months, you may only book trailers up to 6 months in the future.
- Click on the calendar to select the date you would like the trailer delivered. If you change your mind, click again to choose a different date.
- Enter your house number ONLY no Street name or S, N, E, W. (Example: If your address is 123456 E Happy Lane, you will ONLY enter 123456 nothing else, once you choose the trailer type, the next page will give you the option to select the complete address)
- Choose type (Either green waste or bulk waste).
Click CONTINUE to continue the reservation process.